Sunday, August 31, 2008

It was just another night at the video store...

Until I discovered a world of quirky exercise videos.

Who knew there was everything from the Thug Workout, to Christoga (Christian-ized Yoga)? Or the hilarious-looking Texercise, which features cow roping along with aerobics? I was fascinated by the range of videos--this wasn't your run-of-the-mill Tae-Bo kind of workouts. I wondered, what would it be like to do all of these?

I needed to get back in shape anyway, and like many in this economy, I wasn't keen on spending $70 a month for a good gym. And though I live in an active area,
LinkI get bored with the same routines. I figured that if I blogged about this little experiment, I could hold myself accountable, sharing my results with you.

So, today, the experiment starts. I'll give my play-by-play of each of these. I've rented a few to get started. They are:

This is going to be fun.